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I help multi-passionate creatives find purpose, direction, joy, and fulfillment along the journey through this one wild, creative life.

You’re creative, passionate, and curious.


You want to do all the things.


You’re driven by a powerful urge to do fulfilling work and live a meaningful life. 
It’s exhilarating… and overwhelming. 

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So many possibilities, so little time. It’s hard to know what the right next step is. It’s hard to get started and keep going – especially when you know you’ll want to switch gears later on. I know because I’ve been there, too.


If you’re struggling to find direction, balance, and fulfillment within your creative life, creativity coaching could be just what you need. 

I’ll be by your side, offering personalized, one-on-one support to help you navigate the unique challenges and opportunities you’re facing right now. Together, we can help you tune into your purpose, carve out a unique path, and create the plan and structure you need to bring your creative dreams to life.


You only get one life to live – why not make it as wildly creative as possible? 

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I’ve always approached life with abundant curiosity, enthusiasm, and creativity – even before I realized being “multi-passionate” meant taking the road less traveled. So, I know firsthand...

  • How electric and exhausting it feels when you have a zillion different creative ideas, careers, and projects buzzing around your head and heart. 

  • How frustrating it is when you don’t have a clear path to follow and the people around you don’t “get it.” 

  • How absurd it is to know you could do anything, meanwhile what you’re doing now makes you miserable and you feel paralyzed about what to do next. 

  • How completely lost you can be about your purpose and path, and how devastating it feels when you’re not living up to your potential.


I also know how transformative it can be to cast aside conventions and build the multifaceted creative life of your dreams. 


It’s hard work – and it’s a huge responsibility. Only you can make that kind of change happen in your life. But you don’t have to do it alone.


Wouldn’t it be better if you had someone in your court, cheering you on and helping you hash out your next move? Someone who has been there and who actually gets it? 


That’s what creativity coaching is all about.



By choosing me as your creativity coach, you’re choosing a partner who understands the complexities of a multi-passionate creative life. Someone whose sole purpose in your life is to help you thrive. 


Each person’s creative journey is unique. Right from the start, I’ll tailor our one-on-one coaching sessions to your specific needs and aspirations. Together, we’ll roll up our sleeves and work through whatever’s standing in the way between you and the creative life of your dreams – then build a customized plan to help you get there.


Feeling lost? Together, we’ll develop a clear path forward with manageable steps and strategies that integrate your creative pursuits into your life. Coaching can help you:


  • Reduce the overwhelm of facing too many possibilities

  • Confidently make decisions that align with your creative purpose

  • Set short-term and long-term goals for your creative journey

  • Lean into your creative side while navigating a major transition

  • Design a work-life plan that provides balance and flexibility


It’s great to have a lot of interests, but it’s even better when you know what you’re meant to be doing – and why. Together, we can:


  • Clarify your core passions and interests

  • Define your creative “why”

  • Understand how meaning and purpose play a role in your creative life

  • Separate your own goals and desires from outside influences

  • Explore the impact of your work on others


Ready to start creating and sharing your most authentic work yet? Let’s focus on helping you:


  • Embrace your creative voice and point of view

  • Define and develop your cross-disciplinary artistic style

  • Write bios and creative labels that align with your creative identity and journey

  • Build the confidence to put yourself out there 

  • Fine-tune your personal brand, portfolio, or website to attract desirable opportunities

  • Find impactful ways to share your work


Creative blocks can be daunting, but they don’t have to hold you back. Whether you're starting a new project or need help gaining traction on an existing one, coaching can help you keep moving forward. Through our work together, you can:


  • Understand what’s standing in the way between you and your creative potential

  • Overcome resistance, creative blocks, and other obstacles

  • Create the structures and plans you need to achieve your goals

  • Build motivation and make progress on your projects

  • Develop strategies for maintaining focus and productivity

  • Learn techniques to manage stress and avoid burnout


Creative fulfillment isn’t all about having an elite career; you need a well-balanced life that allows your many creative sides to thrive. Coaching can help you design the ideal mix that accommodates all of your passions, ensuring you have enough time and resources to pursue what you love. I’m here to help you:


  • Reclaim time in your busy schedule for passion projects

  • Prioritize financial stability, so you can create freely and without fear

  • Decide what to pursue as a paid job vs. passion project, or a hobby vs. side hustle

  • Establish boundaries that help protect your essential creative resources

  • Explore ways to achieve your creative and financial goals through full-time work, part-time work, freelance gigs, entrepreneurship, passion projects, and hobbies


​Living a fulfilling creative life is about so much more than your talent, credentials, or job title. It’s about who you are and what you create when none of that matters. It’s about the choices you make and the unique magic you bring into the world. It's about finding joy in the process, not just the final product.


Through one-on-one coaching, we’ll take a holistic look at your work, life, and what-am-I-even-doing experience. We’ll figure out what’s holding you back and find ways to build a life that helps your multi-passionate, creative spirit thrive.

Free 30-minute consultation (virtual)

Want to learn more about multi-passionate creativity coaching to see if it’s right for you? Let’s chat.

One 90-minute introductory meeting (virtual)

Once we start working together, we’ll begin with an in-depth session where we’ll get to know each other and discuss your goals, challenges, and aspirations. We’ll set some focus areas and intentions – and maybe some homework, too.

Six 75-minute bi-weekly meetings (virtual)

We’ll reconnect every other week for six sessions to catch up on your progress, dive deeper into your development, and identify any obstacles along the way so we can help you keep moving forward.

Three months of free coaching support via email

In between meetings, I’ll be available via email for any questions or updates you want to share along the way. You can expect a response within 48 hours.



I'm excited to launch this new three-month creativity coaching program at an introductory rate of $1,500 (USD). 

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Hey, I'm Jess (she/her). I’m a fellow multifaceted creative who wears many hats as a writer, editorial director, collage artist, fashion historian, sewer, and occasional designer of beautiful things. I’m also a work-from-home mama who wants to embrace slow, intentional living while also fulfilling my enormous creative potential… without driving my family crazy. ☺


I’ve mentored, coached, tutored, and managed creatives over the years – from a college writing center and a NYC costume shop to a global marketing agency and a team of professional writers. I’ve collaborated with marketers, designers, actors, photographers, goldsmiths, and event professionals to bring magic into the world. 


I know what it looks like when people are living their authentic, creative life – and when they’re struggling to fit into a mold that doesn’t suit them.


All of my experiences have led me to where I am now – using my creative energy to help people like you live out their wildest creative dreams. 

In addition to one-on-one coaching, I teach in-person arts workshops in the Chicagoland area. Plus, I publish a weekly newsletter called Multifaceted – it’s all about finding delight and direction in a creative life made up of many different interests.


Multi-passionate creativity coaching is for you if you’re ready to embrace change and see your life transform


Once you find your focus and start moving forward, get ready – because you might experience some major momentum, quickly. Opportunities might start coming your way, even before you feel ready. The world is waiting for the unique creative energy you have to offer. It’s thrilling – and it can be a little terrifying, too. But that’s where I come in to help you stay the course and feel confident in your next steps.


If you’re happier sitting back and watching the world pass you by – if you’re more comfortable with “what if?” than “what’s next?” – this may not be for you. But if you're ready to take action and shake up your creative life in just a few months, let’s go! 


Your one creative life is your ultimate expression – and it’s the one that matters most. 

If you're ready to take the next step in your creative journey, I can't wait to chat – set up your free consultation today: 

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